
Hey, I’m Anselm Hannemann and I curate this project as an attempt to concatenate all the web development links that pop up every single day so you don’t have to.

Today, the newsletter is sent to about 18.000 subscribers via email, published on the website, feed and on social media to several thousand readers every month, since nearly ten years and over 300 editions.
The newsletter has featured on SmashingMagazine, CSS-Tricks and other well known industry sites, events and is recommended by many industry-influencers from Google, Adobe, Facebook, …

WDRL is financed entirely by your support. ♥

It’s only possible because I love what I do. I have no advertising in my newsletter and get financed by my readers who love what I do and find it worth a small donation.

I collect all the links coming up in my Mastodon, twitter stream, RSS feeds and other resources into a rough list. The first selection already happens after I read an article — if it’s well written and has valuable content it will go into the list. You can imagine there is a load of good articles in just one week; it would be too much for a summary as the WDRL aims to be. A second review guarantees that only important articles and topics come up. Usually this results in about 15 links per week.