Servus mitanand [Hi guys],
damn it, this message should have gone live since five days now as we're already counting the 10th official issue of Web Development Reading List. With over already over 400 subscribers I am so happy how this project evolved. But while in my home city Munich the Oktoberfest began, I am chilling in Italy enjoying the last bits of summer sun. Happy reading!
- Mozilla Labs published a project called together.js which is a library adding collaboration features to your website.
- Damn you, it's not power of the phone, it's the network that counts.
- FF Mark font – check out this page to see how a great font website is made.
- HTML5 Bookmarks. Just bookmark it!
- The new blogging platform Ghost is out. It's independent, self-hosted by you.
- Automating complex workflows with Grunt custom tasks
- On OS X, this can help you to easily procude an SVG out of a PNG file.
- Avatars is a new tool to collect your avatars on one place ready to use on different platforms.
- grunt-autoshot makes a screenshot of your website with phantomJS browser.
- Image Compression for websites: Best practices, opinions, problems and solutions all to be found in this html5rocks article.
- How to use a video as background scaling properly.
- Lovely CSS experiments in a github repo by the chap hakimel.
- Transitions on form elements' focus.
- <dialog> has landed in Chrome Canary. It makes handling modals easy.
- Control CSS Animations with JavaScript.
- jQuery Slider by @drublic. It's new, it's shiny and, most important, written for full performance etc. where other JS-sliders suck.
- How to build an HTML5 video player with JS properly.
Sending you some spirit of Italy!
-Anselm (follow me on Instagram)