Reflection is one of the hardest things can personally do and it’s something we often don’t. When was the last time you questioned your common workflow, your tools or your daily routines? And when was the last time to reflect whether your project is on the right track or if something could be done differently and better? Reflection needs us to take dedicated time to think about this and we usually don’t have time. But almost any project and even my own life has improved or at least changed after reflecting about it. It’s the very reason why people meditate and one of the main purposes of meditation itself to gain the ability to take time and reflect. So maybe this weekend, take fifteen minutes and try. Then, try again after some days or weeks and see how it feels. And now enjoy the weekend!
- Vitaly Friedman wrote an article in which he asks us as developers, us as company founders to respect users and why it should matter more to all of us.
- John Cobb shares why he changed the way to think about code quality and why code reviews are much more than viewing at the code but whether it matches the definition of done and runs error free in the browser.
- Naema Baskanderi shares best practices for modal windows and dialogs, analyzing well known modals and improving them.
- Webpack 4 is underway and brings some performance improvements, is now an out of the box zero configuration bundler, and has way better bundle sizes due to massively better tree shaking.
- Firefox ships with a privacy tracking protection since quite some time and now shares the learnings from it and how we can improve privacy without breakig the web.
- There’s a new JavaScript framework around: Stimulus, and it’s comletely compatible with the HTML you already have and enhances the experience of your static templates.
- Sarah Dayan explains how we can make multi-colored icons with SVG symbols and CSS variables.
Work & Life
- There’s some sort of common sense that tech companies who are doing well are always hiring. David Heinemeier Hansson explains why at Basecamp they now decided that things are going so well that they’re doing a hiring freeze.