it’s been quite a busy week for me but I managed to find at least some time to read and collect some articles for you. Thanks for the ongoing support and the growing list of subscribers to this weeklyish summary!
- Chrome 33 introduces custom elements (part of Web Components), which is pretty cool, unprefixed pageVisibility API, drastically improved web font downloading.
- Bootstrap now has an official Sass port.
- Firefox DevTools News: Node Picker gets new position and other improvements. Unfortunately there’s no mention to support calling it with a keyboard shortcut as it’s possible in Chrome (cmd + Shift + C).
General useful links
- The Front-end Choice Paralysis.
- The Guardian has all front-end code on GitHub. A great resource to look at.
- Principles for making things on the Web.
- Some Design and Development Standards to align and guide your project. Very extensive and helpful list for your workflow.
- Did you know that you could pass through parameters to PhantomJS? For example you can disable loading images to prevent Timeouts.
- Testardo is a browser and OS agnostic web driver for mobile and desktop.
Web Performance
- SiteSpeed.io is an open source tool that helps you analyze your website speed and performance based on performance best practices and metrics.
- Trello sped up their board loading time in one week. And they documented what they did and what they achieved in a small diary.
- Building a responsive website is not that easy anymore, especially if you want to have responsive images. Therefore be careful when building or choosing a JavaScript that handles this case for you. Mathew Marquis wrote about the challenges with respimg-script and pitfalls.
- WebKit Nightly now has a resource level timeline and a per-call site timeline in its Inspector. Very good for a performance analysis!
- Groupon published their testing framework Testium.
- ESLint is a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript.
- A resource providing you the right resources about JavaScript: JSTheRightWay.
- Miller Medeiros about JavaScript Callbacks, Promises, Signals and Events.
CSS / Sass
- A modern scale for web typography which proposes you good scaling values for Desktop, Tablet and Smartphone font-sizes.
- Sass Animation Studio by Rachel Nabors is a hell of a tool to create CSS based animations. Very useful!
- You can now use JSON in Sass with Hugo Giraudel's SassyJSON.
- If you're a Sublime Text user, you probably wanna give Sublime CSS Completions a try.
Go beyond.
- I love conferences and I hope you, too? If so, here is a guide where you could go in the next few months.