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WDRL 310

4-day Work Weeks, Awesome CSS, Image Performance, and Type-safe APIs.

Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann, a freelance Frontend Developer and Engineering Manager. You can hire me. I wrote WDRL for 10 years and have a a Market Garden as a side-business.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


in my area, spring is arriving and while today we had some snow falling again, I’m regularly in my market garden again, planting vegetables, sowing radish, salads, carrots and more. It’s still such a great balance to my web work that I can only recommend having an outdoors activity to all those sitting in front of screens all day.

In my current projects, TypeScript, React and other tools are set as defaults. But I also realize that a lot of the standards I have in my mind are still not a default: responsive image optimization, bundle optimization, code splitting, performance audits and budgets, accessibility checks. Is it worth the effort of building type-safe code that in the end is transpiled anyway when we’re serving a nearly 1MB one-in-all JavaScript bundle containing scripts, styles and more? Is it worth including a huge UI library if we’re not going to use the entire design system anyways and just want to not rebuild behavioural things like modals, sidebars, menus etc? Sometimes I think we still forget that while developer experience is nice and important, user experience always comes first.






Web Performance




Work & Life

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