it’s Friday again and spring definitely has come to Germany. I’ve got quite some news for you but first, let me say thank you for all your support! Massive hugs to everyone because I am on the netawards shortlist 2014. This means a lot to me and here is my way to thank you—a new reading list with a lot of news…
- Following up Chrome, it seems that Firefox will provide a volume and mute control per window (or even tab?) soon.
- The Microsoft IE Team published a new page on their modernIE site showing the support state of browsers on new web platform technologies. This is a huge step, surely has been massive work and they even provide an API for everyone!
- A better web starts with you. That’s why one should be able to submit bugs for every browser and website all in one place.
- Blink turned 1 yesterday, here’s a bit of history.
- jQuery 1.13 and beyond will no longer support IE6/7 and starting today no fixes and patches for those browsers will land anymore.
- Chrome will soon ship unprefixed CSS Transforms.
- Jsbin now serves SSL for logged in users, has CodeMirror4 integrated with multi-cursor and sublime mode.
General stuff
- Here’s an article (though on StackOverlow) about when does your infrastructure need a re-write.
- Surely you want to avoid smell in code. But it’s easier if the tools support you by reporting the smelling code. Here’s a good overview of Code Linters.
- Scott Berkun on How Events should end.
- Explore GitHub Projects.
- Who of you is also annoyed by pictures from whiteboards? Here’s a super cool command line tool which cleans the pictures for you!
- Calibre App gives you continuous website quality and performance telemetry.
- Ghost Inspector lets you record and test your web project and re-play actions in the cloud to automatically test it.
- SVG is for everybody—Chris Coyier walked through the current state of SVG and how Web designers and developers can use it on their sites today. This are the notes.
CSS / Scss
. Super cool find by Jake Archibald which could be useful for a couple of things—e.g. a distraction-free mode of your UI or as written, for testing paint-related issues in browsers.- You can push Sass placeholders further and handle extends within media queries by using a mixin.
- Easily get the correct line numbers of your Sass source in Chrome DevTools with Sass 3.3.
Go beyond…
- A couple of answers to “What Open Source means to me”.
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Thanks and all the best,