this week was special to me. Thanks to you and all other supporters, I have been nominated as Young Developer of the Year (and also with my side-project OpenDeviceLab.com) for 2014s netawards and had the honor to join the ceremony this Friday in London. Unfortunately I didn’t win but it was a great day meeting all the lovely people there.
This week I found a couple of interesting things like writing Selenium tests in NodeJS, got a bunch of news like Jekyll 2.0, and lastly some inspiring articles.
- Firefox is launching new feedback channels. This means you can now propose new features for the DevTools via Uservoice.
- Firefox got a few patches for Responsive Images which means it will soon start appearing in Nightlies. Wohoo!
- jQuery 1.11.1 and 2.1.1 have been released.
- Jekyll gets 2.
- Vagrant 1.6 is out and supports Windows guests as 1st class supported systems, Docker based environments, and global status and control.
- Five Simple Steps is back, now run by Amie Duggan and Craig Lockwood.
General stuff
- If you ever wondered how the Internet works, this Level3 article gives a little insight on network traffic, provider dependencies and internet middlemen.
- Opera on Mozilla’s PDF.js technology and how well it performs.
Remote working and managing work
- 10 Secrets to becoming a great remote developer. Contribute trust every day, it’s important for your management.
- Open Iconic is an open source icon set available as SVG, icon font and raster formats.
- For responsive design projects, often we don’t look at the big picture yet but we design our future now and so should you.
- “Your button should never say ‘Submit’”.
- fb-flo is a browser extension (currently only Chrome) by facebook dev enabling live editing CSS, JS, images and reloading like LiveReload but even works on remote machines and different editors.
- Thoughts on new ways to solve bug tracking.
- The Atom editor is now free and open-source for everyone.
- Who is SizerSoze and what does he do?.
- Creating CSS Diffs with Gecko and SlimerJS via NodeJS (instead of ImageMagick) to get better speed.
- Victor Garcia describes a workflow with Grunt to create a stunning Newsletter experience by automating the workflow to inline CSS and other optimizations.
- Introspected tunnels to your localhost.
- Martin Wolf explains how Responsive Images’
attributes work to target dynamically sized images on responsive designs.
Web Standards
- CSS Variables Level 1 are finally in Last Call state which means it’ll be soon marked as stable.
- A recent dispute about the forks of the HTML specification between WHATWG and W3C lead Robin Berjon to write about the problems of current contention methods and how to do better.
- The new guide to use Modernizr responsibly. Because simply using it in the head is not always correct anymore.
- Jeff Walker, the code ranger, wrote and interesting piece about the new Minefield, JavaScript.
- Read about JavaScript promises in wicked detail.
- Identifying the current
element. - Write your Selenium tests with Node—the enjyoable way.
- Learn how to test SSS States (e.g.
) for regression bugs with PhantomCSS.
- Animating Images with CSS Keyframes. A supercool effect for storytelling articles. I love it.
- Improving phone number links with CSS and take control of those generated links in mobile emails.
- Team Treehouse shares an article to introduce the CSS Flexbox model to beginners.
- A good resource to learn more principles how to write and split up CSS is docssa.info. For example, learn how to set up components.
Go beyond…
- Kate Kiefer Lee about giving, receiving and reacting to Meaningful Feedback.
- Zoe Rooney on Sharing and Needing Credit.
- Derek Sivers’ transscript of his talk about “The Meaning of Life”.
- Keith Robinson on the Beginner’s Mind.
- Stop making excuses and just do it, that’s my challenge to you.
- Mobile and Device Web Dev night in Seattle, May 14, 2014.
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Thanks and all the best,