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Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann, a freelance Frontend Developer and Engineering Manager. You can hire me. I wrote WDRL for 10 years and have a a Market Garden as a side-business.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


the end of the year is near and I already see several round-up posts. I often wonder why they think the year is over already—there are still some weeks ahead and I expect a lot more things to happen in this time. But an interesting round-up indeed is which is the world’s first measure of the World Wide Web’s contribution to social, economic and political progress in countries across the world. And it shows great numbers so let’s hope the impact is real and can improve the life of each individuum on our globe.

Web-related it’s fun to read the story how the web evolved in the past 9 years, only by going through the articles of the 24ways calendar which is in its 10th edition this year already. And while it started with articles on how to create striped tables with JavaScript and avoiding hacks for IE we now face mostly completely different problems like complexity of CSS, tooling, over-tooling. Read about the ways we’ve changed.


Work life

Concepts & Design

Generic / Tools

Web Performance


Go beyond…

And that’s it again for this week. If you liked the content, please consider support by using Flattr or gratipay me or share this resource with other people. Learn more about the costs of the project here. It’s available via E-Mail, RSS and online.

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Thanks and all the best,