if you have 15 minutes spare and can write some CSS, please would you mind coding this button and send the result to me via email response or twitter? I already got some pretty good and some pretty creative examples. It's fun! Now to the serious part, this week's reading list.
By the way: If you're at border:none this week, I'd love to chat with you. :)
Apart from #webdev
- Why it matters to create a great atmosphere for your employees.
- »Why I create for the Web«.
- Mozilla published a study about the best lossy compressed image format. Here's the blog entry, and here the study. You can imagine, between WebP and JPEG XR the winner is… the third one of course!
- The <cite> element can now contain an author's name and an URL says the W3C specification since a few days. Yay!
- Doc Sprint in a Box. Learn how to organize an WebPlatform Doc Sprint and evolve the web.
- WebTorrent powered by WebRTC. Get this horse runnin'!
- Git and GitHub link collection by Brad Frost.
- Resimgcrop by Ian Devlin is a server side component to generate responsive image assets. Fully compatible with a JS respimg polyfill.
- SirTrevor is a JavaScript driven content editor with a cool concept.
- touche.js re-maps click events effordlessly to touch events on touchscreens and removes 300ms delay.
- FlowType adjusts the font-size to a box' size. JS implementation of the `font-size: line-fit;` idea.
- An even better requestAnimationFrame: animationFrame JS library. It has no performance degradation if multiple rAF calls are used in parallel.
- Wilson Page explains what Layout Thrashing in JavaScript means, how you can prevent it and introduces his rAF library fastDOM.
- A gov.co.uk test on the number of users that don't get the JavaScript enhancements of a website.
- A roundup of the best responsive typography articles at Awwwards.
- Slanted tabs with CSS 3D transforms. Nothing completely new but maybe still widely unknown. By Lea Verou.
- Oh yeah. Peter Paul Koch still couldn't figure completely out how the meta viewport description should behave properly. But he got some interesting insights and wrote an roundup on the meta viewport.
- Interesting although also opinionated read about Cargo Cult CSS.
- A cool website dedicated to the specificity of CSS.
- Create a responsive hero text with CSS and viewport units.
Chaps, that's it for this week already. Keep on rockin' and enjoy the rest of the week. Make something great!