Dear readers,
I welcome you to the thirteenth issue of this weekly(ish) link collection. Thank you for all your support so far, it has been amazing and keeps me smiling every time I get feedback from you or just see the subscriber list growing!
Still, sometimes I wonder how you read this list and what to improve to pleasure you, so I'd be very grateful if you could fill out this short survey. And here is the new summary:
Outside the Box
From time to time I will hand you some links here which are not necessarily related to WebDev industry but might inspire you.
- I didn't know much about Macklemore & Ryan Lewis but their songs. After reading the retrospect of Macklemore about the last year I think this is worth a read for all of you: It is about avoiding major labels, being a celebrity and keeping the message instead of turning into a one-hit-wonder.
- A Simple guide to saying No.
- The Shiny silver Elephant in the Room. A must read.
- Firefox has landed `all: unset` support in its Nightly build. This means we can soon unset browser's default styling for CSS selectors which is cool.
- grunt-imageoptim now supports full grunt file pattern matching which has the neat side-effect that you now can send files and directories over to imageoptim-cli.
- Ghost blogging platform is now available for public.
- Touch Events are now W3C Recommendation. But as we know now, Recommendation is only one step away from deprecation. [Sorry, had to add this here]
- In latest Chrome Canary the DevTools settings ("Show Console", "Settings", "Dock to right|bottom") are in the upper right. Much cleaner and better to find.
- The WebFontBlender let's you preview Webfonts immediately with your custom text. Cool tool!
- is another Responsive Images solution besides
- If a client again asks for paging in a website, show him this link:
- This is Iconizr. You drop your SVG drawing and it starts processing it into a CSS icon kit and hands it back to you as Sass and CSS code including SVG, PNG, a CSS sprite, dataURI. Cool thing, isn't it?
- How to create a Firefox OS App from your existing web code? It's easy and done in 5 minutes.
- lets you create video players with peer-to-peer driven loading of the resource files via WebRTC.
- Using grunt server you can live update your devices during development.
- Manipulate your SVG with CSS. It's just, this relies on JavaScript but still is a great technique to modify icons or other things on the easily and on the fly :-)
- Create responsive imagemaps with SVG.
- You can animate checking of checkboxes with SVG shows an Tympanus experiment.
- AirBNB's JavaScript style guide. There's just so much in it and I do think it's cool!
- A cross-browser event handling system.
- Yahoo engineers share their thoughts on JavaScript modules, AMD, and the Road ahead.
Remember to fill out this short survey. Thank you! I also set up gratipay on the WDRL website if you want to support me.