Hey all,
welcome to the second issue of my WDRL (Web Development Reading List) and I am excited to have you on board while the list of subscribers is growing rapidly.
If you have feedback, let me know by sending an email to me. You can also propose links by mentioning me on twitter with the link and hashtag #wdrl.
It is a good advice to set this email adress (readinglist@helloanselm.com) to the whitelist.
This week's letter contains some fresh articles and tools:
- GoodUI shares best practices on User Interface Design
- Think outside your little box: Designing for Services Beyond the Screen
- Ian Storm Taylor wrote on his GitHub Redesign work
- A new srcset Polyfill called Yass appeared on github. Looks cool!
- Write your Google Docs in Markdown with DownDoc.
- H&FJ launched WebFonts
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Keep the aspect-ratio of your elements with a CSS trick – better we had a standard but this is a nifty workaround.
- CSS Background Blend Modes have been implemented in Chrome Canary and WebKit Nightly. This is cool as the effect could be useful for many things but unless it is implemented in all major browsers it is just an 'oh hey, look there is a new showcase!'.
- My friend Hans wrote how to make modal windows accessible.
- Jake Archibald wrote a piece of text in which he is completely right saying Progressive enhancement is still important. In times of today I often recognized also that this sometimes is already forgotten in favor of all new features that come into modern browsers.
- Chris Coyier gives a hint how to center elements (horizontally and vertically) when they its width in percentages.
- Mr simurai shares a thought for better font-size / web components size control mixing px and ems to gain more flexibility.
- Did you know that on Android when you're using CSS' `text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;` your users get to see Androids default font instead of your webfont?
- GitHub has now support for Releases. Any you can finally delete files online.
- Nicholas Zakas gave a presentation at Velocity Conf saying "Enough with the JavaScript already" – if you are using Angular.js or similar frameworks this is a read you shouldn't miss out.
- Did you know you could access content of an iframe if configured properly via JavaScript?
The next issue will come soon. Until then, invite your friends to join the list. I still have some space left in my list :-)