WDRL 238

Chrome 67 Client Hints, Safari ITP Debugger, the Cost of JavaScript in 2018, and the not so nice impact of Open Source Projects.

Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann. Freelance webdesigner, frontend engineer, advisor. Curating WDRL, growing vegetables on a market garden farm.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


welcome to another edition of my newsletter. Please note that for the next two weeks I’ll be on vacation and not writing a list but before that, I found quite a couple of very good articles and resources worth reading this week.

Eric Meyer has published an article this week, elaborating the problems of the effort to make the web HTTPS only—where he reveals that developing countries suffer a lot from this development as they often have bad internet connections and due to the encryption, they now experience more website errors than previously. Ben Werdmüller jumped in and published his article “Stop building for San Francisco” in which he points out one of the biggest problems we have as developers: We use priviledged hardware and infrastructure. We build experiences using the latest iPhones, Macbooks with Gigabit or fast 4G connections but never consider that most people we’re building for use far less equipped devices and infrastructures. And while it’s a great idea to make the web more secure, we should always keep in mind who this might impact, who will not be able to access your site anymore.








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