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WDRL 261

Society Action, Unlabelled inputs, Constructable Stylesheets and Trust as Leader.

Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann, a freelance Frontend Developer and Engineering Manager. You can hire me. I wrote WDRL for 10 years and have a a Market Garden as a side-business.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


Today is a big climate action day and pupils around the world will stand up and ask governments, politicians, their parents and relatives and businesspeople to finally show responsibility for the young generation that’ll face the results of a changing climate directly. It’s clearly not their intent to not go to school but it’s sort of a last call to make their lives still livable in the upcoming decades, because if human society doesn’t drastically change the way we live and work, there’s a lot of trouble coming up to people. And most people in power today will not be affected much but the next generation is, so let’s ensure that those who we love can live a life worth living in a nature that nourishes our minds, that makes us happy and not sad. I’m joining the local event today to support them, that’s the least I can do today.

And finally, here’s one of the backstories that shows what drives these young people to risk their school graduation. Another week and another introduction where I deliberately choose to drop my initial frontend-related introduction and replaced it with the more important ethical and society-affecting one. I hope it helps all of us, let’s try to act as a community and show the big bosses in the world that we don’t accept their inactivity to solve the real problems of our planet and the world’s society anymore.



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