Let’s think about our own take on how we do work today. If we receive a task to do, are we asking for more details, are we figuring out how to do it ourselves or just following the task’s details. If we do only the latter, this of course will get it done. But it’ll also increase the risk of forgetting about basic details, as a study on storing passwords reveals now. If there’s nothing in the task description about hashing a password, many people will not apply it even if they know it’s the better solution. But if it’s left out, the product will become a security risk. Or, if we build a website but forget to add the correct caching, server costs will be unnecessarily high and performance will suffer. It’s the little extra steps of thinking what we need to do as developers that make the difference between good, solid work and “just getting stuff done”.
- It’s easy to forget about it but even today we often build non-diverse solutions in many areas of life. This article shows how that happens with crash test dummies for cars that totally neglect women.
- This study shows interesting insights on how engineers think about doing tasks and why security is often so weakly implemented in projects.
Web Performance
- How much do you know about caching on the web? Harry Roberts now wrote a nice summary article that explains the basic and some extended concepts about caching. And as caching can make a huge performance difference, we all should try to think about it before optimising anything else.
- Matthew Ström shows the difference of switching to variable fonts and why we need to be careful if we want to have a performance benefit by the change.
- Ever wanted to know what element currently has focus? This article by Kayce Basques explains how to use Chrome Dev Tools to track focus of elements.
Work & Life
- Frederic Kerrest shares why building a great company culture is part of the success story of a product.
- Our children are technology-focused and spend a lot of time in front of screens, playing games or watching videos. Pamela Paul on why we should let our children get bored again.
Go beyond…
- Despite climate change being a big topic now, big tech companies are automating the crisis by closing deals with fossile energy companies in order to place their artificial intelligence services and products. So while many of these companies claim that they run their datacenters on green energy, they put oil in the fire of climate change by supporting these fossile energy sourcers and creating solutions for them to be more profitable.