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WDRL 269

Shaping up, Doing well while doing good, Single toggle buttons and the Illusion of control

Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann, a freelance Frontend Developer and Engineering Manager. You can hire me. I wrote WDRL for 10 years and have a a Market Garden as a side-business.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


it’s been already four weeks since the last edition. I’ve been on vacation for two weeks and around that, as many of you probably can relate, work is crazy. Before going off you have to finish things and when you come back, you’re overwhelmed by what happend during your absence. And in parallel, my garden is in Summer mode now so it needs a little extra care every single day—watering, sowing, cropping, caring about bugs and flies that like our foods and plants as well. But now I’m back with another edition full of articles to help you stay sane, be more effective and produce better quality work or just improve your life or expand your knowledge about how the world works.

What can we do to cause “good trouble”? First of all, I think it needs to be friendly, helpful and meaningful actions that don’t impact other peoples’ lives. Secondly, it’s something we strongly believe in—it might be using simpler JavaScript methods, reducing the application size, a better toggle UI, publishing a book or building a business without selling user data to others. Whatever it is, it’s good to have a standpoint of view and talk about it. It’s good to advocate others about accessibility problems, about how to listen better to others in a conversation, how to manage projects, products or even a company better. The most important things on all these actions is to remember that they are helping other people and not impact people, animals or our environment in general.
Doing something useful, as small as it might seem, is always good. And don’t forget to honor your action—by smiling and being thankful for what you did.







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