WDRL 285

Making CSS more unterstandable, crowdsec, bfcache, web theming and finding details in climate change

Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann. Freelance webdesigner, frontend engineer, advisor. Curating WDRL, growing vegetables on a market garden farm.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


Now there we go with a new writing. For me, this year has been quite different so far. And no, this is mostly not about some virus spreading across the world but about changing a lot in my work and personal life. My son keeps teaching me new skills, patience, happiness. My gardening project went well the first year and we’re scaling it next year so we can grow vegetables for more than 70 people. Not to stop here, we created a network for workshops and events where local people share their knowledge to improve farming, gardening and live a more resilient and sustainable life as humans.

On the other hand, being away from client work for half a year was incredibly useful. I now have a different view on some projects again, I refocused on what’s important in projects and got away from just coding and first ask about the goals, about how to achieve them before starting to dive into code. It was one part that I was missing in my job lately but didn’t realize. By talking to other people out there from a huge variety of professional backgrounds instead of constantly living in the bubble of web developers, I gained a different view of looking at and using websites, of how technology is used and how important (or sometimes unimportant) technology is for people.

On a last note, I’m currently available for a small frontend/fullstack project so if you know something or need someone like me, talk to me. Bonus if it’s for a sustainable company, project or has a positive environmental impact.

In full honesty, Gardening is lot of fun, often really hard work, but also not super well paid. And I think I’m not ready to drop web development entirely, it can be so much fun as well!





Web Performance





Work & Life

Go beyond…

Thank you all for reading this, I hope you’re doing fine and stay positive, find your way to make an impact and help build a better society, better friendships and make our world a little better.
If you want to support my work, you can give back via PayPal or Stripe. Thank you!
