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Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann, a freelance Frontend Developer and Engineering Manager. You can hire me. I wrote WDRL for 10 years and have a a Market Garden as a side-business.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


back again. Over a week on the road, traveling though U.K. and Germany for conferences (The Web Is in Cardiff and Beyond Tellerrand in Berlin) I am finally back home just with a new list of articles for you. Phew, over 50 tabs of articles, tools have been read, sorted out and put together forming this edition of the Web Development Reading List.

Also I want to thank all the people who decided to support me with their money. The existing ones, the new ones—it’s much appreciated and well honored! ♥


Concepts & Design


Web Performance



Sass / CSS

Go beyond…

And that’s it again for this week. If you liked the content, please consider support by using Flattr or gratipay me or share this resource with other people. Learn more about the costs of the project here. It’s available via E-Mail, RSS and online.

Read the Letter online

Thanks and all the best,