greetings from the dotCSS / dotJS conference in Paris. It’s wonderful to be back in this lovely city while listening to great speakers and talks. Content-wise this week has again much to mention so I keep it short and just let you read the articles:
- Mozilla is 10 years old this week and celebrates its birthday with this gift box: Firefox Developer Edition, a privacy project called Polaris and new stuff in stable Firefox like the DuckDuckGo search and the forget feature.
- SauceLabs now supports Mac OS X Yosemite.
- Skype launched their web edition so you now don’t need to install the app anymore but can use it via WebRTC and similar technology in the browser.
- Do you know what impact HTTPS and / or Tor have on how trackable you are as Internet user? The EFF shares this great interactive infographic.
- This week, Barack Obama shared his plan for a free and open Internet.
Concepts & Design
- BrandFont is an iconfont providing 32 brand icons.
- The unexpected costs of a third party login or why you should really think again what you want to provide your users when offering a sign up page. And as a hint: it’s not mainly about privacy of the user data.
- As Brackets 1.0 has been released here’s a good article if you want to try switching to it.
- The answer to the famous question “should designers code?” is a little deeper than just a nod. Also because Designers Code Differently.
- Creating SVG Sprites using Gulp and Sass.
- AWS Code Pipeline helps you with your release management.
Web Performance
- This Performance Bookmarklet analyzes the current page through on the Resource Timing API, Navigation Timing API and User-Timing - requests by type, domain, load times, marks and more. Sort of a light live WebPageTest.
- Often you’ve heard of HTTPS impacting your website’s performance negatively. This article recaps what “SSL” does and what it doesn’t. Because just by enabling it your web application isn’t secure.
- Vivus is another very lightweight SVG path animation library.
- JavaScript Modules: Welcome to My Emo Hellscape. The issue with dependencies, modules and the package managers. Because everybody needs something else.
- Wether it’s gravity, spring, bezier, or similar physics-related dynamics you can use this library for animations simulating these effects.
- Jack Franklin shares the GoCardless workflow of managing their JavaScript modules and dependencies with jspm.
Sass / CSS
- A cool way to style input fields with Pseudo Elements and CSS
. - An interesting technique to work with responsive typography in Sass.
Go beyond…
- Susan Robertson on how she attempts to not being Overwhelmed by Code.
- Most of us have to deal with technical support and requests via E-Mail. Here’s an interesting idea by Lorna Mitchell how she attempts it.
- Mike Krieger shares in this article Why Instagram Worked.
And that’s it again for this week. If you liked the content, please consider support by using Flattr or gratipay me or share this resource with other people. Learn more about the costs of the project here. It’s available via E-Mail, RSS and online.
Thanks and all the best,