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Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann, a freelance Frontend Developer and Engineering Manager. You can hire me. I wrote WDRL for 10 years and have a a Market Garden as a side-business.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


99—the one before the 100th edition of my weekly newsletter. Time flies and when I started this project I’d never thought to be so successful with it. I’m happy to share my thoughts with you and get so much lovely and constructive feedback. I already have some plans for the 100th letter which will go out in four weeks.
I’ll go on vacation in the meantime. During that I probably will not have internet but instead enjoy nature. Enjoy the silence and don’t worry—you will not miss something critical.


Concepts & Design


Photo of Christian Heilmann presenting at beyondtellerrand conference 2015 in Düssseldorf
Chris Heilmann’s beyondtellerrand talk “Advancing the web without breaking it?” is online and worth watching. [Photo by Stefan Nitzsche]


Security / Privacy

Web Performance



CSS / Sass

Work / Life

Go beyond…