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Hi, I’m Anselm Hannemann, a freelance Frontend Developer and Engineering Manager. You can hire me. I wrote WDRL for 10 years and have a a Market Garden as a side-business.

Profile photo of the author, Anselm Hannemann


what a bright and sunny winter day it is here today. Every Thursday, my list of links grows to its maximum before I go through all of them and only put in the most relevant of the week. Reading all that great stuff is fun and while I found out about new technologies, tricks or best practices I enjoy being part of such a great community. But our industry, our work-life balance, all that isn’t perfect for everyone and always. Here’s this weeks list—as usual with a grain of highly inspirational content:


Concepts & Design

Generic / Tools


Web Performance


Image of an animated, graphical, vectorized lo-poly lion.
Dennis Gaebel shares the story of how to code an animated, graphical, vectorized lo-poly lion with SVG, JavaScript and Sass.


CSS / Sass

Work & live

Go beyond…

And with that I’ll close for this week. In case you like what I write each week, please support me via Flattr, gratipay or share this resource with other people. You can learn more about the costs of the project here. It’s available via E-Mail, RSS and online.

Thanks and all the best,